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Q1:Why should my home have smoke alarms?

A1: In the event of a fire, a smoke alarm can save your life and those of your loved ones. They are the single most important means of preventing house and apartment fire fatalities by providing an early warning signal.

Q2:How do I keep my smoke alarms working?

A2: Simply replace the battery once a year. A good way to remember is when your clock changes for Daylight Saving Time change your smoke alarm batteries.

Q3:What if the smoke alarm goes off while I’m cooking?

A3: Then it’s doing its job. Do not disable your smoke alarm if it alarms due to cooking or other non-fire causes. You may not remember to put the batteries back in the alarm after cooking. Instead, clear the air by waving a towel near the alarm, leaving the batteries in place. The alarm may have to be moved to a new location.

Q4:Can you burn waste within the city limits?

A4: No, burning is not allowed within the city limits of Nixa. If you live outside the city limits, you must obtain a burn permit from the Nixa Fire District 24 hours prior to burning.

Q5:Is it possible to obtain a copy of the fire report?

A5: Yes, you can. Please visit the Records Request page for more information.

Q6:Can I schedule a birthday party in a fire station?

A6: You can schedule reservations for the Community Room. We encourage, but do not require, masking and social distancing. There will be no temperature checks for outside visitors until further notice. During our Return-to-Open process, we will continue to monitor the community, surrounding areas, and state for any increases of COVID-19 stats that would prompt a necessary change or closure to our facilities. Follow us on Facebook for announcements. 

We also offer a Drive-By Parade option as another way to stay connected to our community. The idea is to join others that you may have participate in a Drive-By Parade.

We want to encourage you to follow our Facebook where announcements are made to help keep our community informed.

Q7:How do you recruit firefighters?

A7: There are several ways; we accept applications at any time, we utilize the Tri-State Testing Fire Recruitment Alliance, social media, and the Military in Transition program.

Q8:Should my child be in a car seat or booster seat?

A8: Generally, all children 12 and under should ride properly restrained in a back seat.
Under 8? Are You Safe? A new Missouri law, effective August 28, 2006, says your child must be in a booster seat if they are ages 4–7 years old, unless they are 80 pounds or 4'9" tall. Please visit the Safe Kids Springfield website for more information.

Q9:How can we request an appearance from a firefighter?

A9: You can request a visit by filling out the Public Appearance Form. During our Return-to-Open process, we will continue to monitor the community, surrounding areas, and state for any increases of COVID-19 stats that would prompt a necessary change or cancellation for public appearances. Please contact us for any questions and be sure to follow us on Facebook for updates. 

Q10:Where can I find weather alert links or apps?

A10: There are several websites that can assist with this, we also recommend our App (Nixa Fire District app) or Swift 911 that can be found in the Play Store or the Apple Store and is free to download. Additionally most of the local TV stations also have applications available.

Q11:When do the storm shelters open? Is there a place I can register my personal storm shelter?

A11: The FEMA storm shelters, located at many of the Nixa Schools, open when any Tornado Watch has been put into effect. You can register your personal storm shelter at the Christian County Residential Storm Shelter form.

Q12:What is my ISO rating?

A12: The Nixa Fire District has two ratings. If you live in the city limits of Nixa or within one-thousand feet of a certified water source, your rating is a 3. If you live beyond the thousand feet of a water source, the rating is 5. Certified water sources beyond the City of Nixa include; Riverfork Rance, RDE water system, and Tuscany Hills. For further questions please contact ISO.

Q13:Why do firefighters break windows or cut holes in the roof during a fire?

A13: As a fire burns, it moves upward then outward. Breaking the windows and/or cutting holes in the roof (called ventilation) slows the damaging outward movement, helps remove blinding smoke that obscures the actual fire, and enables firefighters to fight the fire more efficiently. The result of this action is less damage to the structure in the long run.

Q14:Why do firefighters cut holes in the wall during a fire?

A14: This is done so that the fire department is absolutely sure that the fire is completely out, and that there is no fire inside walls or other hidden places.

Open Burning Allowed
Please report your burn
or call 417-725-4025

Open Burning
Facts & Regulations
FREE Smoke Alarms

Do you need a smoke alarm, or need to have a smoke alarm checked?

Send a Request
Nixa Fire District App
Available on Android & iOS

  • Notifications about District news
  • Take a virtual station tour
  • Fire Safety Checklist
  • Report a Burn
  • Burn Permit form
  • FAQ's
  • Commend a Firefighter
  • Weather
  • Link to social media